Who are we?

Who are we?

We're just ordinary people living life through spectrums of colours.

Each week a colour is explored and how it exists in our everyday lives.

Through Monday to Saturday, a new category is posted each day relating to the colour of the week and reveal interesting facts and knowledge you may not have known before.

But which colours will be explored?

Well, that's a surprise!

Here are the categories that you can follow:

Monday - Travel

Tuesday - Philosophy

Wednesday - Characters

Thursday - Food

Friday - Science

Saturday - Music

Get to know us

There are six authors contributing to this blog all from Macquarie University, we are the Super Spectrums.

Click Here to read more about us.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Be Mellow with Yellow

Be Mellow with Yellow 

By Alison

When I think of the colour yellow sunshine, daffodils and yellow emoticon smiley faces usually come to mind.

In colour psychology yellow is the lightest hue of the colour spectrum and resonates with the left side of the brain that relates to logic, mental agility and perception. 

Therefore in this sense yellow represents the mind and intellect, reason and logic, empowering one to see things for what they are. This prevents distortion and enables clarity of vision...

Being a bright, vivid and attention grabbing, the colour yellow echoes the word optimism, encouraging us to see the "bright" side of things even on the darkest days...

It is uplifting and stimulates an enthusiasm for everything life has to offer, awakening hope, confidence and happiness in ourselves. 

The sunshine that comes from each sunrise itself signals the dawn of a new day and therefore a new "me". New opportunities, awakenings and another shot at giving life all you have got.  

Yellow energises, grants awareness of who we are only to unveil the potential of who we can be.

 Yellow also signals communication of new ideas; the ability to express one's self by being who you truly are; you in your raw and natural authentic state. 


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