Who are we?

Who are we?

We're just ordinary people living life through spectrums of colours.

Each week a colour is explored and how it exists in our everyday lives.

Through Monday to Saturday, a new category is posted each day relating to the colour of the week and reveal interesting facts and knowledge you may not have known before.

But which colours will be explored?

Well, that's a surprise!

Here are the categories that you can follow:

Monday - Travel

Tuesday - Philosophy

Wednesday - Characters

Thursday - Food

Friday - Science

Saturday - Music

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There are six authors contributing to this blog all from Macquarie University, we are the Super Spectrums.

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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Feeling Blue?

Feeling Blue?

By Alison

Statistics reveal that blue is the most popular colour amongst both men and women. Different tones of blue unveil different emotions and possess different meanings.

Blue is a colour of nature which paints both the sky and sea. This explains its soothing effect on emotions and the stimulation of calmness, serenity and tranquility. Therefore lighter shades of blue (aquamarine) as depicted here in the ripples and crystallization of the ocean can be associated with health, healing, understanding and softness.

source: http://symbolism.wikia.com/wiki/Blue

The depth and vastness of the ocean associates blue with open spaces, possibilities, freedom, imagination, self-expression and inspiration.

During the late 19th century in Paris, Saint Denis Basilica was rebuilt by Abbe Suger. He used cobalt coloured stain glass coupled with light from red glass to illuminate the church with a bluish violet light. Saint Bernard associated stain glass with the perpetuity of the Virgin Mary. Light passes through the windows without destroying it, just as Mary gave life to Jesus whilst remaining pure.
Here blue emotes piety, sincerity, wisdom, faith, divinity and intuition.


Explosions or overuse of blue signifies melancholy, negative energy, sadness and self-centeredness. Hence, the term "feeling blue" or "getting the blues refers to the extreme feelings of blue like depression. "Singing the blues" is used when someone continues to complain about their circumstances. The sadness of blue is carried through with "babyblues" - post natal depression.

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