Who are we?

Who are we?

We're just ordinary people living life through spectrums of colours.

Each week a colour is explored and how it exists in our everyday lives.

Through Monday to Saturday, a new category is posted each day relating to the colour of the week and reveal interesting facts and knowledge you may not have known before.

But which colours will be explored?

Well, that's a surprise!

Here are the categories that you can follow:

Monday - Travel

Tuesday - Philosophy

Wednesday - Characters

Thursday - Food

Friday - Science

Saturday - Music

Get to know us

There are six authors contributing to this blog all from Macquarie University, we are the Super Spectrums.

Click Here to read more about us.

Sunday, October 25, 2015


Who are we? Watch this video and find out!

How will the video in the last post relate to your blog?
The aim of this video is to help our readers get a quick scope of who the Super Spectrums are and what the readers will expect from our blog. The video is structured to mimic the way in which the blog runs, with quick snapshots of what gets posted on each day starting with Monday right through to Saturday. Displaying the daily topics of Monday with travel, Tuesday with emotions/psychology, Wednesday with Characters, Thursday with Food, Friday with Science and lastly Saturday with Music.
In this way, you are also able to see the authors who post on those days, alongside some quick little colour facts relating to the day's topic to reinforce the basic concept of the blog, that of exploring a colour each week within various fields. For example, Monday displayed colours that can be found in locations, Tuesday presented emotions/psychology facts relating to colour and so on. 
 This video is also designed to be colourful, fun and factual just like how our blog is intended to feel and be, with the additional help of an uplifting background music that relates to our colour blog concept. Overall, the video sets an idea of what the blog Super Spectrums will encompass and the structure of the blog.

How will each member in your group contribute to the process of making the vlog?
Before putting the vlog together, each member thought of ideas of how we could reflect our blog in a video creatively. Various group discussions on different ideas led to our final video posted above.
In regards to the videos structure, the process of putting it all together first involved each member to find  one to four facts that were relevant to their topic in relation to colour to be added to the video. Secondly, each member were in charge of a particular aspect of the video, this comprised of Kylie, Vanessa and Isabella in filming and finding locations to film the video, Jack providing the background music, Amanda and Alison providing the arts and crafts to put our facts on. Moreover, collectively as a group during meetings, suggestions were given on the design, layout and structure of how the video will be presented relative to the blog, in which Kylie had edited and put the final video all together.
Working in this way allowed the process of making the vlog easier, fun and allowed each member's creativity and idea to be added to the video, so that it would eliminate any disagreements to the final vlog.